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  • Where can I find more information based on research?
    There is SO much valuable research about this topic! If you want to read even more please go to and read through the FAQ there. You will also be able to download Dr. Claire Vallottonha's white paper: Signing with Babies and Children. This is an in-depth summary of how signing can impact cognitive, linguistic and social-emotional development in children based on academic research.
  • At what age can I use Sign language with my child?
    Right now! You can start singing at ANY age! There is no such thing as too old or too young to learn another language. You can start integrating signing into your daily routines from day 1. Soon your infant will start to realize that there is another way to communicate rather than crying. Start signing with your toddler to help lessen frustrations and tantrums or start singing with your preschooler to enrich vocabulary or learn ASL as a second language!
  • What does American Academy of Pediatrics say about screen time for infants and toddlers?
    Recently The American Academy of Pediatrics released updated media guidelines for all caregivers and parents of infants and young children. They have done away with the "no screen time under 2" rule and are now saying that screen time that fosters interaction are OK with limits of course. Examples of approved screen time would include videos chats with grandparents and videos that help children to learn words. Baby Signing Time is interactive and meant to be watched with your child so these DVDs are more than acceptable for the under 2 crowd in moderate amounts.
  • Will signing delay my childs speech?
    This is a common concern among parents. If communication is your main objective then signing is going to get you there well before speech will. English and Sign Language are still both languages, speech is a skill that is developed at different times for every child. In my experience signing does not delay a child s speech but rather gives them a full language to use before their speech skills have been developed.
  • How does signing help to reduce tantrums in toddlerhood?
    Almost all tantrums (especially during the "Terrible Two's") are directly linked to frustration due to being unable to communicate. When your child is able to sign to you they have the freedom to fully communicate with you what is going on in their mind, body or surroundings. You can also quickly diffuse a tantrum by looking at your screaming child and gently saying "use your signs, I'm here to help you". My personal experience is that this can very quickly end a screaming fit and replace if with some communication so you can help your child.
  • My childs signs don't look right, why not?"
    Your child will sign to you with whatever they are physically capable of doing. As your child's fine motor skills develop so will their signs. It is very similar to the pattern you see in speech development where "Da" becomes "Dada" becomes "Daddy" as your child s speech skills improve. Just keep showing your child the correct sign, and they will eventually get there. What's most important is that you understand them!
  • My child is already talking, so why should I use sign?"
    ASL is a second language, and there is always a benefit to being able to communicate in another language. Learning is stimulated many ways with ASL, as it accesses different senses. Children who are visual, spacial or tactile learners will especially benefit from ASL. It will help give your child a richer vocabulary and it is known that learning a second language raises your child's IQ. Most importantly, your child would be given the confidence to interact and engage with a deaf child, should they happen to meet one...and how amazing would that be?
  • Why use sign language with a child that can hear?
    Developmentally most children are not ready to communciate verbally until closer to 2 years old. However, research has shown us that infants are developmentally capable of communicating with signs much earlier than that. Babies as young as 5 or 6 months old can communcate their needs with just limited signs. When children are unable to communicate with us it leads to frustration, confusion and most often tears...for both child and caregiver! Sign language is an amazing tool you can use with your child to better understand, connect and help them express themselves from a very young age.
  • When will my child sign back to me?
    There are many factors involved in determining how quickly your child will sign back to you, their developmental stage, age and how early you started sign language are just a few. If you started signing with your child as a newborn they may start signing back to you around 8-10 months. If you started signing with them later on, maybe around 18 - 24 months they may pick up the signs very quickly and be signing back within a few weeks/months! It is going to be different for every child, and will also be determined by your own consistency in how often you sign to your child. If your child has special needs, or developmental delays you will need to take that into account as well. The key is to keep signing, be consistent and use the signs in a fun and relevant way. Your child will follow!
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